I heard much about Henri Nouwen and used to think his writing are hard to reach. It was only recent year that I began to appreciate his writings as I found out how he wrote so simply and humanly about his personal experiences that I can relate well. I found lots of consolations and encouragements through them. Recently I came upon two books that compiled his writings from different books that I like very much. Since they are collections from his different books, I do not read from page 1, but rather pick the topic that appeals to me, or sometimes I will just turn the pages at random. Interestingly, usually the pages I turned to speak to me just exactly what I needed to hear. I believe it is God's way of speaking to me.
Here's one page I would like to share:
To whom do we go for advice? With whom do we spend our free evenings? With whom are we going on vacation? Sometimes we speak or act as if we have little choice in the matter. Sometimes we act as though we will be lucky if there is anyone who wants to be our friend. But that is a very passive and even fatalistic attitude. If we truly believe that God loves us with an unlimited, unconditional love, then we can trust that there are women and men in this world who are eager to show us that love. But we cannot wait passively until someone shows up to offer us friendship. As people who trust in God's love, we must have the courage and the confidence to say to someone through whom God's love becomes visible to us: "I would like to get to know you. I would like to spend time with you. I would like to develop a friendship with you. What about you?"
There will be no's, there will be the pain of rejection. But when we determine to avoid all no's and all rejections, we will never create the milieu where we can grow stronger and deepen in love. God became human for us to make divine love tangible. That is what incarnation is all about. That incarnation not only happened long ago, but it continues to happen for those who trust that God will give us the friends we need. But the choice is ours!
(Here and Now)