Saturday, 31 March 2007

4° Station -- Jesus meets His Mother

The Hands of Comfort

Most Holy Mother, for your love, I offer to remain in this harsh jail (Auschwitz), even if the others will be granted to return home. I will remain here, forgotten and contempted, to suffer for you. I offer particularly to you, O Mary, so as to meet death in this camp among hostile and difference men.
(Massimilian Kolbe)
The Silence
It is hard to be him to assist to the agony of a baby of it, of a friend, of a dear person. It is difficult even to say the correct thing and we don't often know even thing to say. We would like that the people to us dear they didn't have to bring the weight of their cross.The love is totally vulnerability, completely without defenses, open to anything happens. Bitter it is to allow the people to do what God he/she asks them, to any cost. All of this that we can do is to be present, to console her, to sustain her to offer them our respect. These moments are sacred.
(Rina Risitano, fsp)

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