Monday, 11 December 2006

2° week of Advent--Preparate la via del Signore--Prepare the Way of the Lord

Today, we enter into the 2nd week of Advent and the Church tells us to "Prepare the Way of the Lord". In today's gospel, we heard that "the Word of the Lord descent on John, son of Zeccharia"... he went about preaching a baptism of conversion. We too received the Word of God, and what do we do about it? Do we, like John the Baptist, act on this Word and preach it through the testimony of our life daily? How am I to prepare the way of the Lord this week? These are some questions I asked myself today.

This morning, while walking out of Church after Mass, a little Italian boy about 2 years old was in front of us, holding the hand of his granny. With his innocence, he pointed to the crucifix near the door and asked: why is this man always on the cross? Granny answered accordingly. Came the next question: why did they put him up there? why are the people so bad? why they put him up there for so long?

We do have a lot to ponder, don't we?

"Create a clean heart in me, O God, renew within me a resolute spirit"
"Crea in me, o Dio, un cuoro puro, rinnova in me uno spirito saldo"
(Ps. 51)

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