Monday, 4 December 2006

First Week of Advent

So, we are into the First Sunday of Advent. Before we get into the whole business of getting ourselves busy with all the physical preparations for Christmas, the Church once again reminds us of the teaching of Jesus, to look first into our spiritual preparation.---"Keep watch and pray".
These days, I have been thinking about the meaning of Advent for me. Of course, literally as the Church teaches, it means waiting. But what is it for me personally to be preparing during this waiting? Many times, I look into for "big" things that need changes and in the end, how often I get disappointed with myself on Christmas. What about looking into the little things in my daily life? Every little things in my life can be a 'call' for me to 'keep watch'--to be more patient with the others, to be more sensitive (keep watch) to the needs of my sisters, to give a smile to someone who may need it most on a particular day.... Yes, it is true, you may tell me that these things may be simple and easy for many. Well, some days, definitely it can be difficult to face an angry person and to reach out to her/him.
During our monthly day of recollection last Saturday, Fr. Ugo reminded us: this is where prayers comes in. Pray for that person. "If we cannot talk to someone about God, talk to God about that someone." Though he was talking about evangelization, I believe this applies to our relationship with one another too.

Well, what do you think? Happy Journeying!

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